- 评分:7.9分
- 出场时间:98分钟
- 进球数:1
- 助攻数:1
- 射门次数:1(射正次数:1)
- 过人尝试次数:2(丢失球权11次)
- 越位次数:1 li >
- 预期进球 : 0.9 li >
- 触 球 次 数: 44 li >
- 传 球 次 数:28 (成功率75%) li >
- 关键传球数量:2 li >
- 传 中 次 数: 1 Li > < ul >< /ul>< p > p > . . . < Long pass attempts: - Attempted long passes: * Attempts : (Success rate :33.3 %) (< Successes ) successful interceptions this match. successful tackles made in the game. Face-offs faced during the game and success rates for each, including fouls committed throughout play. Successful defensive actions included clearances and interventions against opposing attackers. Overall performance metrics reflect a strong showing from 三 笘 薰 , contributing significantly to his team's efforts despite the final outcome of this match.