1月1日讯 2024年,罗德里帮助曼城实现了英超四连冠,并随西班牙赢得欧洲杯,同时也首次荣膺金球奖。在接受西媒《阿斯报》第一部分专访时,他回顾了自己过去一年的经历,并分享了对新一年的计划。
< p >" 是啊,我期盼着这样的情况发生。虽然全球范围内仍涌现出许多杰出的选手,但我们的队伍中同样充满潜力,有这么一代人在不断努力。然而,我们不能掉以轻心,因为最终是否被评选为最佳取决于多个因素,把这种期望或压力放给他人未必合适,不过基于我们自身能力,相信总有人可以达到那个高度." p > < p >< strong > 金 球 获 奖 发 言 中 提 到 亚 马尔 的 看 法< / strong > p > < p > " 对, 我 给 他 施 加 了一 点 压 力(笑)。 在 我 看 来 , 他 拥 有 赢 得 金 球 奖 所 有 条 件 。 不 知道 是 如 今 或 者 将 来 , 我 相 信 他 的 潜 力。" P >MANCITY FANS'S LOVE FOR RODRI STRONGLY FELT:
"I’ve discussed this with Kovacic. He attended the Ballon d'Or celebration at Real Madrid and told me he had never seen such a scene before; it's rare for players to receive such treatment as we do at Manchester City. I will always be grateful for everything they have done."
If you communicate with other athletes who suffered from ACL injuries?
"Yes, I've talked to Asensio about it. I remember calling him and asking some questions because we're of the same age and have gone through similar experiences. His calm demeanor offered great advice that was both positive and reassuring."
The question remains: Will Manchester City win championships this season?
"Pursuing recovery is my first priority so that I can regain my pre-injury form before considering competitions again! Of course, winning more titles is what I'm aiming for!" Will there be fears of not reaching previous levels? "No fear exists within me regarding that aspect; I'm aware of my own abilities now compared to decades ago when injury types were far worse than today’s standards.” Moreover, doctors reassured me by stating there's no need for anxiety—returning without burdensome concerns isn't an issue either! However stepping back into play after being off-field around six months or longer requires time taken gradually instead!”