- 2016年第17届:00年龄段国少队 未获决赛阶段参赛资格
- 2018年第18届:02年龄段国少队 未获决赛阶段参赛资格
- 2023年第19届:06年龄段国少队 第13位
因此,中国2008年龄段 U16 国少年足球队被降至第四檔。各个檔次球队名单如下:
- 沙特阿拉伯(东道主)
- 日本、韩国、伊朗
- Australia (澳大利亚) li >
- Yemen(也门) li >
- Uzbekistan(乌兹别克斯坦) li >
- Tajikistan (塔吉克斯坦) li >
ul >
< p >< strong > 第三 档 次:
- 泰 国
- 越 南
- 阿 曼
- 阿 富汗
/ l i / u l >
< p >< strong />
< p >< stong/> Fourth level:
China, Indonesia , North Korea, the United Arab Emirates.
Compared with previous situations, it is not difficult to find that although there are no major changes in overall strength among different levels of teams . However each team has undergone certain adjustments such as Iran replacing Uzbekistan at first place thanks to their performance; Tajikstan benefitting from being runner-up in past competitions now moving up into second tier while Chinese side dropped down due poor results over last two tournaments where they failed even reach knockout rounds .
The fact that China’s youth ranks have slipped further means potential matchups against stronger opponents during group stages could lead them directly facing formidable opposition right off bat instead playing relatively weaker sides early on – adding pressure onto players’ morale immediately affecting subsequent matches thereafter too which makes mental preparation crucial for upcoming challenges ahead!
As per schedule drawn out already by organizers ; grouping lottery will take place January twenty-third next year followed closely afterwards between April third through twentieth when actual competition unfolds within Saudi Arabia territory itself ! Top eight finishers from this tournament including leading duo across individual groups can secure coveted spots participating later November World Youth Championship hosted Qatar thus raising stakes significantly higher than ever before!