周一竞彩篮球焦点:热火湖人背靠背对决 森林狼静待挑战

seoxx 篮球 2024-12-02 4 0


周一302 美职篮 迈阿密热火 VS 波士顿凯尔特人

周一竞彩篮球焦点:热火湖人背靠背对决 森林狼静待挑战


周一竞彩篮球焦点:热火湖人背靠背对决 森林狼静待挑战


周一竞彩篮球焦点:热火湖人背靠背对决 森林狼静待挑战



K凯尔特人在当前以16胜4负位居东部第2,每场能够得到120.7 分,但同时失110.8 分。在上一场较量中,他们客场111-115输给骑士,使得七连胜纪录被终止。前三节时,凯尔特曾领先12 分,但最后一节却被对手逆转,以43-27净败16 分。其中塔图姆砍下33 分并抓到8 个篮板,还有4 次助攻;波尔津吉斯交出了21 分以及8 个篮板。不过杰伦·布朗和德里克·怀特点缺席该役。有幸的是,在波尔津吉斯伤愈后,绿军内外线实力更加均衡,相比之下面对熱水更具优势。然而近期来看,他们后卫线上的发挥略显不稳定,例如霍勒迪最近仅获得4 球进账。同时普理查德登台之后,其防守弱点可能会进一步暴露出来。

*近6 场交手记录显示: 凯尔特人取得5 胜1 负*
.. < p >< strong > 周一303 美职篮球 洛杉矶湖人与明尼苏达森林狼 < p > 2024年12月03日09:00 < p >< strong > 客队 :洛杉矶湖人 < p > 湖人的成绩为12 勝8 負,目前排西部第六。他们每場可獲114 . 40 點 , 同時失去110 .20 点 。 在前一个游戏当中, 湖人在爵士身边105 -104险勝, 安东尼 · 戴維斯收获33點11 個籃版與2個搶斷; 詹姆斯則貢獻27點並送14 助功還擁有2 蓋帽,此役詹姆斯还成功投中了生涯15000记运动战进球,仅落后贾巴 尔(15837球)排名历史第二位。目前雷迪什 、里夫斯 和拉塞爾都因傷未参賽,不過他們情况不是很严重。本場將為湖人的连续作戰帶來體力挑戰,更何况詹姆斯已39岁高龄!    < / P > < P >< Strong > 主隊 : 明尼蘇達森林狼     強             强             

The Timberwolves currently sit at a record of nine wins and ten losses, ranking eleventh in the Western Conference with an average score of one hundred eleven point two points per game while allowing one hundred sixteen point six points on defense for each competition played this season so far! Their last match took place three days ago when they narrowly defeated the Clippers ninety-three to ninety-two ending their four-game losing streak thanks largely due contributions from Edwards who scored crucial late-game buckets totaling twenty-one overall along side Randall’s double-double performance accumulating eleven rebounds alongside his own scoring output reaching just ten total tallies throughout playtime minutes logged together as teammates working towards common goals collectively moving forward within league standings respectively too—despite having successfully halted downward spirals lately however operational fluidity remains somewhat stymied still evidenced by low assist numbers averaging only twenty-four-point-three placing them right near bottom third across all teams competing nationally today even additionally compounded further through turnovers which rank seventh highest among peers encountered thus far proving challenging adapting styles accordingly whilst trying coexist harmoniously over time hereafter heading into future contests ahead against rivals slated next week onward thereafter!

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